Geneva II: A Negotiation Track with no Results

The Geneva II conference in its first (22 – 31 January 2014) and second (10 – 15 February) rounds did not produce any important outcomes at the political and humanitarian levels. This paper presents the opportunities for success in the new attempt to solve the Syrian crisis, represented in Geneva II. It first discusses the objectives and expectations of each party involved in the talks, as they were identified before the conference begins, as well as those interests as they shifted during conference sessions. The paper examines the strengths and weaknesses of each party in light of the prevailing international and regional conditions. ​

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The Geneva II conference in its first (22 – 31 January 2014) and second (10 – 15 February) rounds did not produce any important outcomes at the political and humanitarian levels. This paper presents the opportunities for success in the new attempt to solve the Syrian crisis, represented in Geneva II. It first discusses the objectives and expectations of each party involved in the talks, as they were identified before the conference begins, as well as those interests as they shifted during conference sessions. The paper examines the strengths and weaknesses of each party in light of the prevailing international and regional conditions. ​
