University Student Participation in Algeria’s Presidential Elections

​What were the determining factors encouraging or limiting youth participation in Algeria’s elections? This study traces the answers to this question, using data collected from students in the faculty of social sciences and humanities at the University of Setif II, gathered using questionnaires. Based on a sample of 129 university students, the study found that subjects generally had a positive stance on the election process, but that stances varied on the ability of presidential elections to change the social and economic realities of Algerian society. Most respondents believed that participation in elections relied on personal motives, but also saw elections as the most important mechanism of the peaceful transition of political power. Students generally blamed the lack of participation in the elections on election fraud, candidates’ pursuing personal interests, and the dilemma of the political discourse which students saw as based on false promises.

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​What were the determining factors encouraging or limiting youth participation in Algeria’s elections? This study traces the answers to this question, using data collected from students in the faculty of social sciences and humanities at the University of Setif II, gathered using questionnaires. Based on a sample of 129 university students, the study found that subjects generally had a positive stance on the election process, but that stances varied on the ability of presidential elections to change the social and economic realities of Algerian society. Most respondents believed that participation in elections relied on personal motives, but also saw elections as the most important mechanism of the peaceful transition of political power. Students generally blamed the lack of participation in the elections on election fraud, candidates’ pursuing personal interests, and the dilemma of the political discourse which students saw as based on false promises.
